The EFSMA is open to National Sports Medicine Associations and Societies of European countries, recognized as autonomous by the United Nations, who agree to the aims and objectives of the Federation.
The Council of Delegates shall admit not more than one voting member from each country, which is recognized as representing the interests of Sports Medicine in the concerned country. If two or more organizations of national character exist in any country, using different languages, these associations could participate in the meetings, but the country still has only one vote (internally determined).
Applicant national associations must submit the following documents for consideration by the Executive Committee before the petition can be presented to the Council of Delegates:
- application in writing signed by the president and the secretary of the national association;
- copy of the statutes of the national association;
- list of the names of the board members and their functions;
- total number of members in each category of membership;
- letter of recommendation attesting the fact that the applicant association is the representative Sports Medicine organization in that country, from one of the following authorities: National Medical Association or Society, National Ministry of Health or National Olympic Committee or National Sports Association.
In the event of changes to any of the above, a revised copy of the institutional document, current list of officers etc. shall be forwarded to the Secretary General of the EFSMA.
The Federation will keep a register of its member associations containing names, address, number of members, statutes and activities.
Any enquiries by a potential new National Association or Societies must be directed to the EFSMA Treasurer and Secretary General.
Cost: Please enquire
Apply: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to receive the necessary application forms and further details.
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