The 60th Meeting of the EFSMA Executive Committee has been held on 6th July 2024 in Rome, Italy at the Sala Giunta of the Headquarters of the Italian National Olympic Committee.
The main item in Agenda were the strategies to implement in order to give the right value to this extraordinary goal achieved by European Sports Medicine following the recognition of Sports Medicine as specialty in Europe.
Now more than ever, it is important to put the EFSMA's knowledge and best practices together to come up with results that will not just establish whether the athlete is fit for competition. It is important to build on and capitalize on our specialized Sports Medicine knowledge to produce a standard that will also allow for detailed and adequate support of the athlete’s performance across Europe.
It is fundamental promoting physical exercise and an active lifestyle as an effective means of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, which has considerable consequences for the improvement of the health and the quality of life for all people, other than a positive impact on the sustainability of the health and socioeconomical system.