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17. Active Voice: Sedentary Behavior and Regional Fat Distribution_ Are You Sitting Too Comfortably?
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33. Milani RV, Lavie CJ. Health care 2020: reengineering health care delivery to combat chronic disease. Am J Med. 2015 Apr;128(4):337-43.
34. Endorsed by The Obesity Society, Young DR, Hivert MF, Alhassan S, Camhi SM, Ferguson JF, Katzmarzyk PT, Lewis CE, Owen N, Perry CK, Siddique J, Yong CM. Sedentary Behavior and Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality: A Science Advisory From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2016 Sep 27;134(13):e262-79.
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37. Arnson Y, Rozanski A, Gransar H, Hayes SW, Friedman JD, Thomson LEJ, Berman DS. Impact of Exercise on the Relationship Between CAC Scores and All-Cause Mortality. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017 Dec;10(12):1461-1468.
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